Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mind's Eye

15 min. Practice Turkish Get-Up w/ 20lbs Med ball and Knees to Elbows/Toes to Bar
Specific Warm-Up: a couple sets of Bar Muscle-Up (black rogue band)

With a partner for time..
50 Bar Muscle-Ups (used green rogue band)
50 Plyo Clap Push-Ups
Parition the reps evenly between each other.  25 MUs/25 Plyo Push-Ups per person.
One person goes while the other rests, only move to the Push-Ups after completing the MUs

For time: Plank
10 min. MWOD

Matt and Sam-8:33


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hard To Earn

10 min. MWOD (ankles/shoulders)
Bottom Position 3 Min.
Burgener Warm-Up
Skill Transfer Exercises

15 min. work up to 1RM Squat Snatch
10-10-10 Front Squat @68.3kg
10 min. AMRAP Double Unders

50 Good Mornings (black rogue band)
Barbell Smash (heel chords/ hams)
5 min. work a stretch

Matt: 64.3kg (68.3F on my PR).  Double Unders-557

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Storm

30 PVC Passthrough
15 Hip Swing all Directions
50 Hollow Rocks (rest as needed)
1600m Run + or -
MWOD-shoulders/heel chords
Practice DB Overhead Swings

4 Rounds for time:
40 DB Swings (Overhead) @24kg
25 Supermans
25 Sit-Ups (arm usage cool)

40 1 arm Overhead Squats (20 each arm) @24kg
Rest and perform any way desired
10 min. MWOD-shoulders/hips

Matt: 17:55

Sunday, October 28, 2012


5 min. MWOD
2 Rounds:
50 Double Unders
20 Ovhd Lunges (20kg plate)
10 Kick Up To Handstands (alternate legs)
Warm-Up sets of the following

5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Push Press (Try not to Push Jerk)

Pull-Ups (deadhang)
Handstand Push-UPS (strict)
(rest as needed)

25 PVC Passthroughs
10 Around the Worlds

Matt: 64.3kg-68.3kg-74.3kg-78.3kg-78.3kg-84.3kg-88.3kg-92.3kg

Friday, October 26, 2012

Leme Ladder II

10 min. MWOD (hips/ankles/shoulders)
10 min. Ring work (Skin the cats/handstands/Ice Cream Makers

7 min. AMRAP:
3 Ring Dips
3 Sit-Ups ABmat

6 Ring Dips
6 Sit-Ups ABmat

9 Ring Dips
9 Sit-Ups ABmat

12 Ring Dips
12 Sit-Ups ABmat

15 Ring Dips
15 Sit-Ups ABmat
Have to Muscle-Up to the bottom position of the Ring Dip(made it that much spicier).  Kip is ok and encouraged.

10 min. Stretch

Sam S: Round of 12 + 15 Ring Dips and 13 Sit-Ups
Matt B: Round of 15 + 12 Ring Dips

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Double Down

10 min. MWOD Hip/Shoulder
25 Walking Lunges (forward)
25 Walking Lunges (backwards)
5 min. Headstand variations
On the min. for 5 min.
5 Box Jumps 30 inches
5 Handstand Push-Ups

For time:
50 Double Unders
10 Burpees
40 Double Unders
20 Burpees
30 Double Unders
30 Burpees
20 Double Unders
40 Burpees
10 Double Unders
50 Burpees

8 V-ups on the min. for 5 min.
50 Pistols
10 Triple Unders
10 min. The Stick (traps/quads/heel chords/feet)

Matt WOD-13:50

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Torture Rack

Trigger Point 10 min.
50 Pass Throughs (PVC)
Burgener Warm-Up (PVC)
Skill Transfer (PVC)

2 Rounds:
8 Squat Clean-Thruster @35.4kg
20m Bear Crawl
5 Forward Rolls

12 min. AMRAP
9 Thrusters @49.4kg
12 Power Cleans @49.4kg
40m Shuttle Run (4 x 10m)

5 Rounds:
1 min. on 1 min. off Toes To Bar (13,11,10,10,10)
Accumulate 1 min. in bottom position of Dip
10 min. Flexibility

Matt: 4 Rounds 9 Thrusters 8 P Cleans

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Slammer

10 min. MWOD hips/shoulders
Burgener Warm-Up
Skill Transfer exercises
Practice SDHP w/ 38.3kg

5 min AMRAP Sumo Deadlift High Pull @38.3kg
rest 4 min.
Tabata Med. Ball Slams @20lbs (score total reps)

Tabata Sots Press (PVC) stay in the hole!! (12 reps each round)
10 min. Mobility/Flexibility

100 SDHPs
80 MB Slams

Monday, October 22, 2012

Rolling Rock

10 min. MWOD
10 min. KB work @16kg (2) (DL, Front Squat, Clean, Push Press)
 1 Bar Muscle-Up w/ band immediately to 1 Bar Muscle-Up w/out band -5 sets

Weighted Pull-Up @16kg 
1st set  5-7 reps
rest as needed
2nd set 3-5 reps
rest as needed
3rd set 1-3 reps
with a partner (one person rests while other works)
10 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
9 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
8 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
7 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
6 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Farmers Walk @2-16kg KBs
5 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Overhead walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Overhead Walk @2-16kg KBs
4 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Overhead Walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Overhead Walk @2-16kg KBs
3 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Overhead Walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Overhead Walk @2-16kg KBs
2 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Overhead Walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Overhead Walk @2-16kg KBs
1 Shoulder Press (strict) @2-16kg KBs
30m Overhead Walk @2-16kg KBs
20 Hollow Rocks
30m Overhead Walks @2-16kg KBs

10 min. stretch

Sam: 7-5-3 Wtd. Pull-up
Matt: 6-4-2 Wtd. Pull-up
Sam and Matt WOD-39:52


10 min.
50 ft. of each...
Bear Crawls
Crab Walks
Duck Walks
Broad Jumps
Butt Kicks
Tuck Jumps

5 Rounds for time:
100 ft Swim
30 Squats
15 Push-Ups

30 min.
Handstands and Slackline

Matt: 9:30

Friday, October 19, 2012

Bear Hug

10 min. trigger point grind (sh blades, lats, hams, hips, quads, ankles)
2 Rounds:
5 Inverted Pikes (headstand pos.)
10 DB Snatches @24kg (5 each arm)
15 Squats
3 Bear Complex @54.3kg
2 Bear Complex @68.3kg
1 Bear Complex @78.3kg

On the minute for 20 minutes 1Rep @ BW (bodyweight) Bear Complex (not 7)
25 SDHP @20kg plate on the minute for 5 minutes

10 min. Mobility

Bear Complex is a Power Clean-Front Squat-Rack to Overhead-Back Squat-Overhead (the Front Squat to Overhead can be performed as a Thruster)

Matt: 78.3kg made it 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Death By Muscle-Ups

20 min. work on...
 Mobility/Muscle-Up progressions/Handstands/KB Swings @22kg/Ring Bear Complex


In the 1st min. perform 1 Muscle-Up, 2nd min. 2 Muscle-Ups, 3rd min. 3 Muscle-Ups.....
until you cannot finish the prescribed reps in that given minute.


For technique...
Every 2 min. Do 3 L-Hang Pull-Ups on rings for 9 sets...regress if necessary
Get a little mobility after :)

Sam: 1st round strict w/6kg!!! then normal-4 rounds 4 reps -14 total MUs

Matt: Normal :)   5 rounds 2 reps-17 total MUs

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Get Organized

10 min trigger point (Hams, quads, calves, back)
5 min. L-Sit Progressions
Burgener Warm-Up (8.3kg bar)
Skill Transfer exercises (8.3kg bar)
3-3-3 Snatch Balance 50-70%1 RM(38.3kg-44.3kg-52.3kg)
Practice the movements in the WOD

For Time...
Overhead Squat

scale the loads to your ability

Tabata Handstands
10 min. flexibility (Hams/shoulders)

Matt: Deadlift @82.3kg/Ovhd Squat @42.3kg-7:49

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tabata Terça

Tabata= 20 sec. on (working) 10 sec. off (resting) for 8 sets.
You can use this format with any exercise.  Your objective could be to max out on reps or use your weakest rounds as your score...


Tabata Double Unders: 16 lowest
10 min. Mobility WOD (hips and shoulders)
hang out 2 min. in bottom of Squat
For Quality 2 Rds:
10 Bridge Ups (advanced)
20 Superman Rocks
Practice a couple of the exercises in the WOD:


Tabata Pull-Ups
Tabata Push-Ups
Tabata Sit-Ups
Tabata Squats

Perform 20 sec on and 10 sec. off for 8 rounds then move to the next exercise, there is no additional rest besides the 10 sec. in between rounds.  Post your worst rounds (lowest reps) for each exercise and total number of reps for all 4 movements.

10 min. Flexibility (Split/Shoulders)

Matt B:

Pull-Up: 6
Push-Up: 10
Sit-Up: 11
Squat: 15

Total: 363

For Whom The Bell RINGS!

10 min. ring work w/ Squats and Push Press w/20lbs Med ball
In 5 min. complete...
15 Muscle Ups
Max Wall Balls 20lbs 11ft target
rest 2 min.
In 5 min. complete
15 Muscle Ups
Max Wall Balls 20lbs 11ft target

Score Wall Balls for each rd.

10 min. work L Sits and Handstands w/ rings

Matt: 57 total Wall balls (all Muscle-Ups completed)
1st Round-28 Wall Balls
2nd Round-29 Wall Balls

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chopper Top City

10 min. practice handstands w/ some dynamic flexibilty in between
Practice each of the following movements (7-10 reps or so, not too many)


For Time...
70 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Swings @24kg/53lbs
60 Jumping Lunges
50 Sit-Ups (arms allowed)
40 Overhead Squats @ 34.3kg/75lbs
30 Box Jumps 20 inches
20 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Deadhang Pull-Ups


Break these up as much as you need but finish the reps before moving to next exercise...
100 Good Mornings (green rogue band)
50 Wtd. Sit-Ups @24kg
25 Pull-Ups (deadhang)

5 min. MWOD shoulder w/ band

5 min work on Pike (stretch)

Matt: 17:20

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


5 min. Trigger Point (back/shoulder blades)
Burgener Warm-Up 18.3kg
Skill Transfer 18.3kg
10 Kneeling Floor Jumps (from knees open hips explosively into bottom position of squat)

Work up to 1 RM (rep max) Squat Snatch
on the minute for 10 min.
1 Rep Squat Snatch @80% of 1RM (sq. snatch)
on the minute for 10 min.
1 Power Clean @100% of 1RM Squat Snatch
3 Front Squats @100% of 1RM Squat Snatch
20 Double Unders

3 Rounds for quality
30 sec. Overhead Hold @100% of 1RM (Sq. Snatch)
25 Hollow Rocks

5 min. work on split

Squat Snatch 100% 1 RM=68.3kg
Squat Snatch 80%-54.6kg (used 54.3kg equipment issue)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Trip Con

10 min. MWOD (hips, ankles, shoulders)
5 min. practice Pull-Over-Bar Muscle-Up
10 min. Pose Drills

20 min. AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
400 Meters Run (a little over 400m)
21 Push-Ups
12 Medicine Ball Cleans @20lbs

On the min. for 10 min. 10 Tuck Crunches
5 min. MWOD shoulders

Matt B: 6 Rounds

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Burgener Warm-Up (PVC)
PVC Front Squat practice
PVC Push Press practice
Work technique in the following...

5 Rounds of 3 min.
10 DB Thrusters @20kg/45lbs
Max Burpee Box Jumps @20 inches
Rest 1 min. between rounds

On the minute 10 Bent Over Rows @20kg/45lb DBs for 5 min.
On the minute 20 sec. Overhead Hold @20kg/45lb DBs for 5 min.
10 min. hip/ankle/shoulder Mobility

Flo: Scaled to 3 Rounds, 3kg DBs/Jump Over Bar-35-25-32 =92 Jumps Over Bar
Matthew: 23-21-21-20-19= Burpee Box Jumps=104 Burpee Box Jumps

Friday, October 5, 2012

Lemme' Muscle-Up in Leme

10 min. ring work
5 rds. 30 Double Unders 15 Hollow Rocks
5 min. work strict Muscle-Up

For Time...30 Muscle-Ups (rings)

20 min. slackline

Sam S: 9:28
Matt B: 6:14

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Return to the Regional Event 2-2012 (slightly altered)

Burgener Warm-Up @8.3kg bar
Skill Transfer exercises @8.3kg bar
2 Series:
10 Pull-Ups (Strict)
20 Overhead Step-Ups (20 inch box/10 e.leg) @22.3kg
60 sec. hold Superman Hollow

4 min. stay in bottom position of Squat (w/rogue bands around knees 2 min. e.leg)
Practice the following movements...

For Time:
200 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @22.3kg/50lbs or 2000m Row
50 Pistols(25 each leg/if foot or hand touch floor=no rep)
30 Hang Power Cleans@62.3kg/135lbs

2 rounds:
2 min. hold bottom of Squat w/ 8.3kg bar overhead
20 Side Lunges (Deep as possible/10 e.leg)
10 Pull-Ups

Matt B:

Last time 24/4/12-17:48

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


10 min. Pose Drills
50 Air Squats
50 Air Squats (feet together)
5 min. shoulder mobility
Practice a couple reps of the following...

Handstand Push-Ups
Ring Dips

10 min. Ring Work
5 min. ankle smash

"JT" is a Crossfit hero workout.

Matt B:

Monday, October 1, 2012


Burgener Warm-Up @8.3kg bar
Skill Transfer exercises @8.3kg bar
2 Rounds:
15 Thrusters @28.3kg
15 Burpees
15 Box Jump @20 inches

10 min. MWOD Hips/Shoulders
Practice Power Snatch @34.3kg

For Time:
75 Power Snatches @34.3kg/75lbs

2 Rounds:
10 Tuck Crunches
15 Supermans
20 Lunges (Rack position) @28.3kg
5 min. MWOD shoulders

"Randy" is a Crossfit hero workout

Matt B: 6:22