Friday, January 11, 2013

Rain Dance

After a great relaxing vacation I am back.  Here are the highlights of my US workouts:
5 Consecutive Ring Muscle-Ups @-1 degrees Celsius
3 Touch and Go Power Snatch @135lbs
245 lbs Front Squat for 1
155 lbs Shoulder Press

1. "The Stick" 5 min.

2. BIG Dynamic Warm-Up

3. 10 min. L-Sit Progressions

4. For Time 300 Air Squats (CF Standard)

5. 30 V-Ups-60 Hollow Rocks

6. Stretch 5 min.

Matt: 300 Air Squats-9:19

1. "The Stick"5 min.

2. Dynamic Warm-Up

3. 3 min. AMRAP Double Unders (164)

4. 1 Pull-Up (strict) 10 sec. rest, 2 Pull-Ups (strict) 20 sec. rest, 3 Pull-Ups (strict) 30 sec. rest....until you cannot set amount of reps.  Courtesy of Sam Schwab

5. 3 min. AMRAP Double Unders (170)

6. Tabata (20 sec. on 10 sec. off for 8 rounds) Bridge-Up

Matt: Pull-Up (strict on ledge) 7th Round + 6

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