Friday, March 9, 2012

800m-30 HSPU-800m

Heel Chord Prep
Leg Swings all directions 15 reps per leg
2 Pose Drills 3x

For Time:
Run 800m
30 Handstand Push-Ups 
Run 800m

Practice Bar Pullover
Work on flexibilty (K-star's stuff) 10 min.

Matt B: 10:01 Head to ground on HSPUs with feet supported by tree

1 comment:

  1. hey bro, this was me:

    AMRAP 20 mins:

    10 Turkish Get-ups (5 each side) w/ 14 kg sandbag on shoulder
    Run 200m
    24 walking overhead lunges w/ 14 kg sandbag

    4 rounds + 10 TGUs + 100m
