Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mr. Clean

10 Min. Foam Roll Tack and Floss
10 Min. Dynamic Prep (Burgener Warm-Up, Hollow Rocks, Walking Lunges, MB Cleans, Run around w/ MB, Practice Jumping and Landing w/focus on foot)

20 min. AMRAP...
10 Power Cleans @135 lbs
10 Wall Balls @20lbs 10 ft. Target
10 Box Jumps @20 inches

10 min. Skills (1 leg Handstand Kips, Hollow Body Contractions w/ 135lbs in racked Position, Hang Out in Bottom Position of Squat no weight)
10 min. Mobilize (Heel Chord Smash, Shoulder Press no weight w/ lumbar against wall in Hollow Pos.)

Matt B: 6 Rounds and 10 Power Cleans

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