Tuesday, March 12, 2013

CROSSFIT LEBLON !!!!!!!!!!!!

Got a chance to swing by the first official, legit, awesome Crossfit Box in Rio de Janeiro today.  Big thanks to Andrei Britto for letting me come through and move some large loads long distances quickly!!!

1. Push-Press 5-3-3-1-1-1

2. 21-15-9 Pull-Ups/Box-Jumps 24'

3. 1000m Row for Time

1. 155lbs-165lbs-185lbs-205lbs-215lbs(F)-215lbs(PR)
2. 3:42
3. 3:52


  1. Hey Matt,

    I'm coming to Brazil this week on a study tour with my school and will be in Rio the weekend of the 10th. Started doing crossfit here in Edmonton, Canada at Champ City crossfit about six months ago and wanted to try to hit up Crossfit Leblon on Sunday the 12th if I get the chance. Emailed Andrei through his web site but it bounced back at me. Is there another way I can get a hold of him? Awesome stats by the way - my push press 1RM doesn't even comes close to your starting weight!


  2. hey man the best way would be to shoot him a message on facebook....andrei britto or crossfit leblon

    1. Thanks Matt, just got home from an amazing trip. Didn't get your message in time but that's ok as our schedule was pretty jammed. I did get to work out in Baja where we stayed, running on the beach and doing body weight WODs. Rio is definitely the most beautiful city in the world! I'll have to look up andrei the next time I come back. Thanks again!

    2. yeah man no doubt, glad you got your wods in. I started crossfit out on the beach track here in Rio. Perfect for Nicole, Cindy, Angie, Barbara, and Chelsea.

  3. Matt,
    I'm an airline pilot and am in Rio a lot, almost too much. I'll Facebook them, but is andrei open to guys coming in on a random basis?

  4. Pretty sure you will be welcome w/ open arms dude. There is a fee for dropping in but very similar to the rates in the states. There is another CF in Ilha do governador which is very close to GIG, depends if you come to zona sul or stay by the airport. Not sure about the drop in policy at CF Ilha but shoot them a msg I am sure they will get you hooked up with a beatdown.
